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 3 Ways Your Website’s Design Affects SEO Rankings & Performance

Everyone wants their website top on google page and SEO is the best business tool. but you still not getting any results. hire us of the best SEO Services in Jaipur, do you know SEO is depending on website functions and design so, SEO ranking & performance affects by website design. 

yes, that is true SEO ranking and performance affects by website design. so if you want to rank then you must first audit your website, for better results, there are many web development services in Jaipur you can hire us for the website.

Now, let’s discuss the top three ways website design impacts SEO :

1- Mobile-first Web Design and Responsive Websites

2- Core Web Vitals 

3- Website Conversion elements

 But before web starting you must know about SEO 

What is SEO?

SEO terms refer to Search Engine Optimization, it is the process of optimizing your website and helps to rank higher on Google search results. if you achieve rank on google then automatically your website will earn more website traffic.

if you know more details about SEO there are many blogs on our website. you can check it out.

The ultimate goal of SEO is a general website conversion – phone calls, web forms, and chats. these conversions are qualified leads for your business to sales. hire us for SEO Services in Jaipur for better results.

Before users convert to your website, they must first be able to find your website. Findability comes down to having a mobile-first website design that is easily found and crawled by Google.


Google algorithm uses mobile-first indexing. If your website is not mobile-friendly and easily accessible on a smartphone, your website’s design has already affected its SEO performance — and not in a good way. that means instead of designing your website for a laptop, first design your website as it would appear on a mobile device. and users get attracted to your responsive and friendly website.


AR Info Solution best web design company in Jaipur helping to design your website in a responsive framework.

A responsive website automatically adapts its layout and design to the specific device a user browses on — desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. In the blink of an eye, a responsive site recognizes the users’ device they are browsing from and instantly renders the website to match the device. Screen size, resolution, orientation, and interactive elements automatically adjust to the user’s device.

A responsive website doesn’t improve SEO performance, but it will ensure you’re not negatively affected by Google. That’s because Google’s crawlers will crawl the mobile version of your responsive site as part of its mobile-first indexing. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, your SEO performance will be negatively affected.


Google’s latest push to focus SEO on website Design and functionality. Google added a new ranking factor into its algorithm in its page experience update called core web vitals.

Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics Google uses to measure user experience on a website. There are three metrics included in Core Web Vitals:

  1. Loading (Largest Contentful Paint or LCP) – Measures how long it takes for the largest content element (e.g., a banner image, video, contact form, etc.) on your page to become visible in the user’s window. Put simply, LCP measures how quickly your webpage loads.
  2. Interactivity (First Input Delay or FID) – Measures how quickly users can interact with your website in their browser. Keeping your website’s code lean by reducing third-party scripts will improve your site against FID.
  3. Visual Stability (Cumulative Layout Shift or CLS) – Measures the amount of visual change to your webpage after a user starts interacting with it. The lower the score, the better the experience for your website visitors, in Google’s mind at least.

How does website design affect core vitals & SEO?

The complex website design is harder to pass core web vitals which also SEO performances may suffer .for example videoes, large images, animations, and other elements that impact a user’s overall experience on your website may hurt SEO performances. hire us for the best SEO services in Jaipur for better experiences and get ranked on google’s first page.


Conversion elements depend on the type of business you run and your marketing goals. if your website is providing services like digital marketing services in Jaipur then your conversion element may be a button found on a page reading “call us ” or “contact us now”.

If you ignore digital marketing and focus on conversion elements every residential service business must have positively affected SEO performances and increased Qualified leads.

So, I tell you the most used and conversion elements that every home services website must have 

1- Sticky web Forms (mobile) & Above- the-fold forms ( desktop)

2- Phone Number& click-to-call buttons

3- Brand differentiators

Developers are the unsung heroes of great web design, building the bridge between design and SEO and ensuring that your website design doesn’t negatively impact your company’s SEO performance. so get the best developers for your website to your SEO performances. Developers are the unsung heroes of great web design, building the bridge between design and SEO and ensuring that your website design doesn’t negatively impact your company’s SEO performance.

AR Info Solution is one of the  digital marketing companies in Jaipur and also designs and builds attractive conversion-friendly websites that help to rank on google search 

hope you like it.

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